Thank you for using KZOOKIDS. And thank you for turning in your giveaway details!
Please fill out this form after your giveaway has been approved by
Select your type of giveaway (Facebook, Website or Instagram) from the tabs below. A form will open. Please fill it out as completely as possible.
Once the giveaway has ended, KZOOKIDS will randomly select winners and notify you with names and contact information.
Content needs to be turned in on time (the 1st of the month prior to publication) or we will be unable to produce the giveaway.
Example: If your post is scheduled sometime in February, this form needs to be completed no later than January 1st.
Note: Winners must be able to redeem the prize without any financial obligation.

Click on image above to download a PDF
Photograph Hints
- Do not send photos with text overlay or filters
- High-resolution photos are preferred, PNG or JPG file format
- Header images are sized 800×600 px, landscape orientation. (We can crop to size.)
- Images within the article need to be at least 800 px wide.
- You are liable for the photos you submit. Only send images that you have rights to. You must also have photo releases / permission from any of the identifiable people in your photos.