Jeannie Cleaning Shares 3 Secrets to Decluttering Your Life + Chance to WIN an Organizing Session

Jeannie Cleaning Sep 2022 Decluttering

Jeannie Cleaning’s Tips to Leading a Clutter-Free Life

As we kick off the new school year, many families have restocked school supplies and new clothes.

However, where did all of the “old stuff” go? Those half-used boxes of crayons from last year, full-length pants that are now capris, and soccer cleats that no longer fit over those extra thick socks are likely hiding in the depths of your closets and drawers.

With kids back in the classroom and more consistent schedules following the lazy days of summer, this is a great time to adopt some new habits to help you reduce clutter in your home.

We consulted with the experts at Jeannie Cleaning on how to declutter and simplify.

Read on for their pro tips and a chance to WIN a free organizing session from WISH Organizing!

Declutter Your Life in 3 Steps

Studies show disorganization is mentally draining. People make better and healthier choices when they are in a clean and organized environment.

Being organized also reduces frustration and saves time, something always in short supply.

Here are three easy steps to get started on your home decluttering:

#1: Out With the Old, In With the New

Shopping for new supplies or clothes? Before you hit the stores, give an empty grocery bag to everyone in your family.

Then agree that before they can go get new things, they have to fill the bag with things they don’t need or use anymore.

Most of us could easily fill a grocery bag (or multiple!) in just a few minutes. Your house has less clutter AND you can donate what you no longer use = decluttering win-win.

#2: Everything has a Place, Everything in its Place

With unneeded items out of the way, you can organize your space (drawers, closets and desks) to be ready to receive new items.

Pro Decluttering Tip: “Only touch something once.”

In other words, when you are done using something or wearing it, put it where it belongs. So much of our clutter is just a series of steps to move an item from where it was used to where it should be stored.

Jeannie Henderson shares, “I experienced this when our home was on the market. We had to put things away every time we used them to be ready for last-minute showings. Our home was such a joy to walk into every day…we try to be visitor-ready at all times.”

#3: Preparation is Key to a Better Tomorrow

Benjamin Franklin said: “Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”

How you prepare for the next day will set up your household for morning success or chaos.

To avoid the chaos option, start by taking 10 minutes to tidy your kitchen after dinner. While no one enjoys cleaning the dishes after a long day and serving dinner, you’ll rest better and have an easier morning if you tackle this before bed.

Also before you settle in for the night, set out clothes and put all bags, keys, and backpacks by the door.

Pro Decluttering Tip: Cleaning is a team effort. Kids can help with age-appropriate tasks like packing lunches or backpacks and selecting clothes for the next day.

Establishing this set of habits sets a great example for your kids. No house (especially one filled with love, family and busy schedules!) will be spotless. However, using these three steps will help your family reduce both the clutter AND stress.

Enter to WIN

Jeannie Cleaning will take one lucky winner’s home from chaos to calm with a FREE Expert Organizing session from WISH Organizing!

What’s included in the prize:

☑ 4 Hour Expert Organizing Session

☑ Winner’s choice of either Cooperative Organizing (work together to sort through your items) or Preference Organizing (professionals organize your selected spaces for you).

Click below to enter to WIN:

FINE PRINT: Valid for new customers in the Greater Kalamazoo area only. Not valid with other offers. Limit one entry per person. Contest ends October 7, 2022. The winner will be notified between October 10 – 15, 2022.

About Jeannie Cleaning

Jeannie Cleaning is here to help you have more time for the things that matter most.

Local and woman-owned, Jeannie Cleaning partners with Cleaning for a Reason to give clean homes to cancer patients. Their team brings cleaning magic to families all over the greater Kalamazoo area.

Jeannie Cleaning Cleaning for a Reason Top 3

Jeannie Cleaning offers it all: Top to Bottom Detail Cleaning, Regular Maintenance Cleaning, Real Estate Cleaning, Sanitizing Service and Organizational Services.

Jeannie Cleaning

640 Romence Rd, Ste 115
Portage, MI 49024
(269) 762-2111

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