Summer Camp Advertising with KZOOKIDS!
Want your camp to steal the spotlight this summer?
Our big, local community of 8K newsletter subscribers and 23K Facebook followers is looking for camps like yours!
From VIP Title Sponsor perks to budget-friendly basics, we’ve got package options that work for you.
Get featured in our totally revamped Summer Camp Guide – now with:
Improved Search Bar
Improved Filtering
Photo Galleries for every camp
Lock in those testimonials, photo features, and social media promos if you want to put your story in front of thousands of local families.
And remember, earlier bookings get better placement in their category. Choice spots (especially those premium positions with extra perks) go fast!

Title Sponsor – SOLD ($995)
Prime ad placement: First camp listed in the guide
800×1000 graphic
Photo Gallery with up to 10 images
Links to your website and 2 social media pages (Facebook, Instagram)
Business address & phone number
125 words of text to describe your business
Client testimonial (Optional, up to 30 words)
Included in 4+ Camp Activity Categories
Tagged with dates, ages & features of your camp
One Social Media Trio (Facebook, newsletter & single slide Instagram Story) ad spot
(KZOOKIDS creates based on listing content) 2 months 250×200 banner ad (optional design services included, $95 value)
Platinum Listing – $685
Platinum Listings will be shown after the Title Sponsor, in order of booking date
800×800 graphic
Photo Gallery with up to 8 images
Links to your website and 2 social media pages (Facebook, Instagram)
Business address & phone number
95 words of text to describe your business
Client testimonial (Optional, up to 30 words)
Included in 4 Camp Activity Categories
Tagged with dates, ages & features of your camp
One Social Media Trio (Facebook, newsletter & single slide Instagram Story) ad spot
(KZOOKIDS creates based on listing content) 2 months 250×200 banner ad (optional design services included, $95 value)
Premium Listing – $335
Premium Listings will be shown after Platinum, in order of booking date
800×800 graphic
Photo Gallery with up to 4 images
Links to your website and 2 social media pages (Facebook, Instagram)
Business address & phone number
65 words of text to describe your business
Included in 3 Camp Activity Categories
Tagged with dates, ages & features of your camp
One boosted Facebook post (KZOOKIDS creates based on listing content)
Standard Listing – $195
Standard Listings will be shown after Premium, in order of booking date.
800×800 graphic
Photo Gallery with 1 image
Links to your website and 2 social media pages (Facebook, Instagram)
Business address & phone number
35 words of text to describe your business
Included in 2 Camp Activity Categories
Tagged with dates, ages & features of your camp
Camp Package Add-Ons
⋆ Client Testimonial (up to 30 words): $50
⋆ eNewsletter ad: $65 each
⋆ Additional Activity Categories: $35 for up to 3 additional⋆ Additional Photo Gallery Images: $50 for up to 3 additional
⋆ 250×200 Banner Ad for one month (optional design services included): $155
⋆ Dedicated Email about your camp (sent to all our KZOOKIDS subscribers): $375
⋆ Sponsored Article about client: $510
⋆ Existing Sponsored Article Republish (20% update to content) $295
⋆ Hire our designer to create your ad image: $95 non-refundable design fee
Is it too late to get into your Camp issue? I am interested in GR Kids and Kzoo kids. Is there a combined price? I was looking at the 300+ deal.
Amy Edwards
Cedar Lodge