Bring Music Into Your Home with Music Together Online
It’s no secret that music makes us feel better. We feel more connected to those around us and we bond with our kids as we have fun being silly and singing and dancing. Crescendo Academy of Music brings the joy of music right into your home with Music Together Online.
Crescendo is a non-profit community music school located in downtown Kalamazoo which strives to provide music instruction to all families, regardless of age, ability or income. And they are helping us through this pandemic by teaching their classes online!
With Music Together Online, music class comes to you. Parents can just “show up,” have fun participating, and let one of Crescendo’s music specialists take the lead. There’s no prep, no cleanup and no travel!
In addition to bonding with your children through music, Crescendo’s classes also foster a supportive network for parents. In times when social connections are more important than ever, Crescendo excels at providing an outlet for meaningful friendships among caregivers- even while teaching virtually.

Music Together Online Classes
Crescendo Academy’s Music Together Online classes are designed to be an engaging resource for both children and their parents- where kids can be kids, and caregivers can find their village.
The most stressful part of taking young kids to classes is hoping they’ll sit and listen and do everything exactly right. Crescendo Academy’s Music Together Specialists have no expectations for “perfect” behavior. In fact, they encourage kids to move around and be distracted!
Music Together Online classes happen live at the same time every week. Classes are not recorded so families are invited to choose the time that works best for them.
Parents Find Friendship & Support- Even Virtually
Crescendo families love seeing how each others’ kids are growing and changing and also chatting about parenting challenges in this time of social distancing. Families are invited to stay in the Zoom room after class is over, checking in with each other and chatting just like they’d do during in-person meetings.
Crescendo Academy even hosts special events for Music Together classes. Families and teachers had an online costume dance party for Halloween; it was so much fun that they are planning a “PJ PARTY” for New Year’s Eve.
Join other Kalamazoo parents who say Crescendo Academy’s Music Together Online is just as important for them as it is for their kids.
Music Together Online classes happen live at the same time every week. Classes are not recorded so families are invited to choose the time that works best for them.

Music Classes for Infants – 6 Years Old
Music Together Babies (Up to 8 Months)
The teachers at Crescendo Academy of Music love music and know that children of all ages do, too – including babies. Music Together Online for New Parents is a ten week online class for caregivers of babies eight months and younger.
With Music Together Online, babies and their caregivers will engage with their teacher to learn fun, interactive musical activities without having Baby watch a screen. Families spend 45 minutes singing, dancing, and playing with music.
Even though you’re at home, you can expect class to run just like it does in person. You and Baby will spend a little bit of time seated together on the floor, doing focused musical finger plays to develop fine motor and listening skills and learn songs.
Babies will bounce on laps, give big hugs, and get silly with tickles, too. They will have some rhythmic play (sticks, egg shakers, or drums) and maybe even go for a ride in a laundry basket.
Every Music Together class includes a calming lullaby song as it draws to a close.

Mixed-Age Classes (Birth – Age 5)
Was your preschooler supposed to be going to school this year and now they’re home? Or need something more to do at home? Crescendo Academy has an online class for them, too.
Music Together Online Mixed-Age classes are for children from birth through age 5 and their parent(s) or caregiver. Like parenting, making music requires no previous experience or expertise, just a willingness to get down on the floor and get silly with your child!
Crescendo Academy’s Music Together teachers encourage families to recognize the magic that happens when families sing, dance and play musically together, no matter how old they are.
Rhythm Kids Classes (Ages 4-6)
Four to six-year-olds thrive in Rhythm Kids classes, where they are encouraged to continue developing their musical competence through games, imaginative play, early literacy and math concepts taught through music, and drumming.
Plus families can access music, songbooks and other resources online to help you continue the music-making fun at home.
It’s fun for the whole family!

Crescendo Fine Print
Materials: Families are provided with music (CD and download code) and a songbook for use at home.
Schedule: Classes meet once a week for 45 minutes in ten week-long sessions in fall, winter and spring. Each session comes with a different collection of music, so a family can take Music Together classes for three years (nine sessions) without repeating songs.
Class Size: Classes are capped at 12 families, in order to encourage participation and to build a stronger community through music.
Fees: Crescendo has waived sibling fees while meeting virtually. The $185 fee per family includes class materials, access to online content, and the ten weekly class meetings.
Music Together Online classes are open for enrollment. Register online to start connecting your family with music today.
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Crescendo Academy of Music Inspires a Love of Music to All Ages with Music Together® Classes, Group Classes & Private Lessons
Crescendo Academy of Music welcomes all ages, abilities and income levels to learn music with their team through private and group lessons.