SEE the Best Eye Doctors for Kids in Kalamazoo- 2025

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When Should Kids See an Eye Doctor?

As a first-time parent, I felt confident in my child’s checkup schedule. Our pediatrician visited within hours of birth, and we met our dentist after her first birthday.

But an eye doctor? I didn’t know the protocol here.

My husband has worn glasses since elementary school; mine didn’t arrive until college. Will our kids need glasses too? And how do we know when to have their vision checked?

We’ve polled KZOOKIDS readers for the best eye doctors in Kalamazoo and have their results below. If you’re looking for additional providers, try our Best Doctors Guide for other specialties.

Eye Doctor for Kids near Kalamazoo kids eye doctor

Vision Behaviors That May Warrant a Checkup

It can be frustrating for a child to attempt to explain what’s wrong when they are experiencing problems with their eye health.

Schedule a checkup with an ophthalmologist or optometrist if you see any of the following:
• squinting
• tilting head or covering one eye
• sitting too close to screens/television
• rubbing eyes excessively
• experiencing frequent headaches/nausea
• tearing excessively

Common Eye Conditions in Children

Needing glasses or contact lenses isn’t the only reason to consult an eye doctor.

These are the most common kids’ eye conditions:
• eye focus/alignment disorders
• eye infections
• eye trauma/injuries
• vision correction (glasses/contacts)

Voting Results: Kids Eye Doctors in Kalamazoo

Vision appointments can appear daunting for kids. They include big machines, bright lights and sitting still. Is that feasible with small children? How can a toddler “read” an eye chart?

Finding the right eye care provider makes a big difference: with a kid-friendly eye doctor, the lights will not seem too bright, nor the machines too scary. And “reading” may include seeing a bunny instead of a letter.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children have a thorough eye exam at age 3 and again just before entering kindergarten or first grade.

Every name in this guide received significant votes from our readers. Local parents voted these care professionals as the tops for kids:

Family Care providers, top doctors, best doctors in Kalamazoo

Best Eye Doctor for Kids

Dr. Marie Fox
Kalamazoo Valley Eyecare

Top Eye Doctors for Kids in Kalamazoo

1 • Fox, Dr. Marie L.Kalamazoo Valley Eyecare
2Rosen, Dr. SamanthaHelen DeVos Children’s Hospital Ophthalmology
3 • Flynn, Dr. KevinRichland Eye Care, PLLC
3Schwengel, Dr. EmilyHiemstra Optical
5 • Miller, Dr. AnnieVicksburg Optometry
5 • Sutter, Dr. KatieKalamazoo Optometry
7 • Copeland, Dr. Alexandra Innovative Eye Care
7 • Farnsworth, Dr. AudreyRx Optical- Kalamazoo Drake
7 • Richardson, Dr. AllieMattawan Family Eye Care

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Best Eye Doctor in SW Michigan

in practice with Dr. Teresa Seim

52883 N Main St Mattawan, MI 49071 - (269) 668-5558

Mattawan Family Eye Care has been a trusted practice since 2003.

Drs. Teresa Seim and Alli Richardson provide high quality eye exams for patients of all ages. We also offer a variety of other services, including vision therapy.

We are welcoming new patients, call or text us today!

Choosing Your Family’s Eye Doctor

Whether your child wears glasses or not, an eye doctor should be included in your child’s healthcare team.

By selecting one nominated by Kalamazoo area parents, you can be confident that your choice is a trusted partner in their care.

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